The days are getting shorter and cooler. The gardens are full of produce. Even the leaves are beginning to change into the beautiful array of colors. The beauty of the Earth is in it's fullest.
It's also the busiest time of year for many people. But especially so for the farmers! Not only do we have our normal, everyday chores, but we also have all of the crops to harvest. Harvest time is a wonderful time-- a time of appreciating how God has blessed our hard work. It's busy, though, let me tell ya!
For me, it's less corn silage-chopping, hay-bailing, and barley-combining. Instead, it's peach-freezing, apple sauce-cooking, and corn-cutting. It's wonderful to see my freezer fill up so quickly and know that I will have food to prepare all through the winter.
I think my favorite part of the harvest season, however, has nothing to do with the physical side of harvest. I am reminded of last year and a conversation I had with my now father-in-law. We were discussing the harvest and how God has given farmers a special way of understanding humanity's need for a Savior. We were reminded of Luke 10:2, "He told them, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'" I think that no other group of people understand that urgency of the harvest that Jesus spoke of better than the farmers. They hold a special realization that if the harvest is not collected quickly, the time will run out.
The provision of our needs reminds me of God's goodness and his love. His promise endures forever. And I am forever grateful.